Tibetan Pulsing

is a

tantric meditative temple work
dissolving negative charge

in the

human nervous system

Every single experience we have ever made in our lives become part of our memory system. Everything is – conscious or unconscious – stored and saved in the nervous system, which is operating electrically.

When experiences were very painful, shocking or overwhelming, additional charge gets attached around these memories. These are the “triggers” or “push-buttons”.

In day to day life we experience them as “Fettnäpfchen”, when e.g. we say something banal and the other one gets totally upset.

When even stronger charge is attached to these pain-bodies, it is called trauma.

Nobody likes to touch these pain bodies and we all learned strategies to circumvent them. Thus our Ego, our defence system has formed. This is the Matrix our Soul is living in.

Tibetan Pulsing is dissolving that charge – with Love and Awareness – at the very roots: in the nervous system.

And when the negativity (pain, suffering, fear or anger) is discharged every Shadow will become a Talent.


Inside the physical human body, the nervous system is the electrical operating system.

It is the base on which our programs and apps are running to operate our internal organs as well as our emotions (moods, sentiments & behaviours) and our intellectual ratio (the thinking and calculating mind).

The DNA is the hard ware – the nervous system the software … the operating system.


Personality – roots in the Greek word: „Persona“ – which means “Mask”, the static, compulsory Face we put on to relate with and impress others – in order to protect ourselves and hide the Fear, Anger or Suffering that lingers inside of us.


Tibetan Pulsing origins in Tibetan Monasteries and transmits the profound wisdom

 … That is why we are here …

The Matrix

Matrix referrers to a set of cultural, social and religious conditions that shape us into our individual, egoic personality. It is the imprinted Grid of our conditioned perceptions and behaviours.

We can ignore, avoid or suppress these imprinted pain bodies and their shadows. But that does not make them go away. Until they are accepted, embraced, digested and integrated, they are working in our unconsciousness, generate their own dynamic and pull exactly those experiences that we want to avoid and lead us into the same ditch again and again. – not as a kind of punishment because of “bad Karma”, but to make us aware about some wound, that wants to be seen and healed. When these Shadows transform, the inner Light can shine through again.

Then you naturally became a healing for all your fellow travelers, as you know the depth of darkness from within.

Here is a little “Zen Story” about it:

A man was walking on his path and, plop, fell into a deep, dark hole in the road. He was very afraid and desperate and had no clou, what was happening and how to get out again. He cried for help and finally another fellow came by, looked into the hole and pulled him out.

A man was walking on his path. He remembered that there was a hole somewhere. But again, plop, he fell into the same deep, dark ditch in the road. He was angry, that he trapped into the same ditch again, but looked around and investigated this hole. Still he needed assistance to get out again.

A man was walking on his path. He knew that there was a hole somewhere, watched out and went around.

A man was walking on the path. He was aware that there was a hole there, looked into the deep, jumped down and made his way up out again.

A man was walking on the path. He knew that there was a hole there and heard a cry for help in the deep. He looked down and saw a some man, afraid and desperate, without having any clou, what was happening nor how to get out again. He helped that man, gave him a hand and pulled him out.

“Tibetan People”
For centuries, the Tibetan people were dedicated to meditation, to the search for what is beyond this life. One greatest heritage the Tibetan people have given to humanity is the wisdom and understanding about the “Bardo”, as described in the
Tibetan Book of living and dying.

What happens, when you die, when you leave this life behind?
What does “Death” essentially mean ?
Who are we – essentially?
What is this Life all about?
How does it function? … and how to go beyond?

In the 19 80’ and 90‘, Sw. Shantan Dheeraj has transformed this ancient Temple work into a modern form, designed for the contemporary man.

High-Tech‘ – Pulsing came into being,

Beyond any religion nor dogma

Where meditative realisation & scientific discoveries meet.

This is Naropa Pyramid in Osho’s Ashram, India, the Temple of the “Tibetan House” in the 1990s. The top floor inside of the Pyramid gave space for hundred some students (packed 180) and on the floor below were rooms for individual Sessions and smaller Events.
On the ground floor was the locker area towards Mirdad Courtyard – facing the other Pyramids and Nalla park

Here Dheeraj crystallized and transmitted the work to us

This were a really lively times, often starting 7 am, ending 9 pm, month long courses with 2 or 3 day break in between … one go all over. Sometimes it was a dance, sometimes hell fire – sometimes it felt like being in heaven and sometimes it was like shredding my skin. The training for Tibetan Pulsing is a dry cleaning and such a blessing all together.

golden times

About me

Born 1962, I had a normal German school carrier and after additional 4 years study on a private school for natural Healing, I successfully obtained the ‚Heilpraktiker‘ graduation (healing practitioner for alternative medicines) in 1987.

After practicing several years in a private clinic, I came across Tibetan Pulsing Healing. It was a “déjà vu” experience and I took the golden opportunity and got trained 7 years under the Dheeraj’s Guidens.

Looking back now onto 30 years of experience and dedication to meditation and healing, this is my invitation to you to explore your inner secret world & unfold your sleeping talents transforming your shadows into light.

My name „Kai Anand“ is a Koan – a bridge between the East and the West, of Spirit and Matter, of “Zorba the Buddha”
And means: Anand,  (Sanskrit) “Bliss” … What bliss…? What is bliss?
Kai in German language is a part of a harbour where boats and ships dock on and off.

In this phase of my Life I feel very blessed to be able to share and transmit this ancient jewel, “Tibetan Pulsing” with you and even more blessed, when your ship is docking on to recharge … /when you accept my invitation to.

A Zen Koan is an intellectual unanswerable Question / quest, like
”Tell me, how a rose flower smells”. You can look at 1001 Photos or read a website full of words and explanations, but you only know how a rose flower smells, when you smell it – and then you KNOW.


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Vagus A & B

Der Vagus ist der größte Nerv in unserem vegetativen Nervensystems. Er hat 2 Hauptäste, und spielt eine zentrale Rolle in der Traumatherapie.
Im Tibetan Pulsing haben wir die Möglichkeit den Vagus direkt zu behandeln. Er ist der Nerv für die Entspannung, für das runter fahren und zur Ruhe kommen, um neue innere Reserven aufzubauen.
Vagus A reguliert fast alle inneren, autonom gesteuerten Organe, speziell unsere Bauchorgane, aber auch Herz & Lunge Vagus B steuert die Motorik von Zunge & Kehle und ist fürs Hören, Sprechen und den Geschmack verantwortlich.

Der Vagus ist stark mit unseren Erlebnissen und Erfahrungen, die wir in unserer Familie gemacht haben, verbunden. Dabei geht es um Themen rund um das Genährt-Sein: Essensgewohnheiten, aber auch um die Erfüllung emotionaler Bedürfnisse. Werden diese nicht gestillt, versuchen wir das Loch mit Essen, Sex, Freunden füllen – zu schnell, zu viel, oder Verweigerung desselben. Wir entwickeln aus dem Wunsch heraus, geliebt und anerkannt zu werden, zwanghaftes Verhalten und unterwerfen uns dem "du musst“, „du sollst“ und „das musst du unbedingt noch“ …
Wir fühlen uns den Erwartungen der Anderen verpflichtet, hängen uns an andere dran, vermeiden Alleinsein. Dabei sehnen wir uns nach Freundschaft, Sympathie und Intimität und können aber durch den Schock, der entstand, als uns von Menschen, denen wir vertrauten und die wir lieben, wehgetan wurde, nicht mehr vertrauen.

Im Teil A entlasten wir einen Teil des Nervs, so dass wir die Bitterkeit gehen lassen und denen, die uns verletzt haben, verzeihen können. Damit können wir wieder den Duft des Vertrauens und der Freundschaft wahrnehmen und echte
Nähe zulassen.

Am 2. Wochenende – Teil B werden wir an dem Teil des Nervs arbeiten, welcher den Schock speichert, der entsteht, wenn wir einen Menschen, der uns nahe steht, verletzen. Dieser Schmerz kann oft von uns nicht gefühlt werden. Er führt aber dazu, dass wir uns nicht gut mit uns selbst fühlen, dass wir uns selbst nicht vertrauen, uns nicht annehmen können und uns nicht für liebenswert und wertvoll halten. Wir zweifeln an allem, was wir fühlen und denken und auch an unserer Daseinsberechtigung.
Mit dem Auflösen der negativen Ladungen durch den Vagus –
Entspannungsprozess erhalten wir die Chance, uns selbst genauso zu verzeihen wie wir den anderen verzeihen können.

So können wir wieder zu uns selbst finden – zum Vertrauen in uns selbst, in unsere eigene Wahrheit, unsere Unschuld und wir erleben die tiefe Verbundenheit mit allem, was uns umgibt.